Monthly Archives: July 2010

9 questions new medical tourism companies should ask

When I talk with clients about today’s issues in the medical tourism industry, I suggest they consider a number of questions as they develop or review their business strategy for a medical travel or health tourism business.

Here are 9 questions to ask as you start your medical tourism business. Read more…

Medical tourism 2.0

Medical tourism 2.0It’s a new world for medical tourism in 2010.

Whether you manage a hospital, clinic or wellness spa or center; whether you are a doctor, dentist or other medical practitioner, a medical travel agent or broker, a hotel operator or travel agent; whether you want to provide a treatment or offer a patient handling service, you must look beyond yesterday’s business model. Read more…

New business strategies for changing times in medical tourism

Hearing colleagues protest about the lack of medical tourists and patients or the poor service given by providers or agencies is not a new phenomenon.

In the first wave of enthusiasm almost a decade ago for the business of medical tourism, despite millions of dollars being invested by businesses and hospitals, only a few medical tourism companies actually delivered patients, and just a few long term business relationships were realized. These companies, and these relationships, continue to be strong today. The others? They complained about the lack of patients and the poor service from providers or agencies.

Just like today. Read more…