7 Ways To Help Medical Tourists – Which Do You Offer?

help for medical touristsSooner or later, all medical travelers need help.

You won’t know when this help will be needed or what you will need to do.

A professional business woman on a medical vacation was suddenly and unexpectedly faced with one of the toughest decisions she would ever have to make. Read more…

Venice Declaration Supports Medical Travel

venice-declarationIn May 2010, the medical travel industry came together at the European Medical Travel Conference to mark a significant achievement, the passing of the Venice Declaration on Medical Tourism. I had the privilege of helping to write this declaration.

Doctors, hospital directors, and medical travel professionals signed this landmark document and it was later presented to the parliament of the European Union. Read more…

Surgery And Treatment Risks Higher For Large Or Obese Medical Tourists

Medical tourism risk higher for obese Physically large or obese patients and bariatric surgery patients are at greater risk as medical tourists.

Receiving doctors or hospitals and medical tourism companies must be ready to address more than the usual needs of medical tourists, or be prepared to risk the success of their medical tourism business because patients are harmed. Read more…

Video: How To Plan Your Medical Tourism Trip

Plan Your Medical Tourism Trip by Julie MunroThis short video helps health care consumers who are starting to plan a medical travel journey.

This “how to” video discusses how to search the web for the best information and the value of working with a medical travel company or medical travel facilitator.